研究成果被来自国内外不同国家和地区农业经济学、供应链管理、运筹学、产业组织理论资源、环境经济学等多领域专家,如德国政府五智囊成员、Management Science部门主编、Operations Research副主编、Agricultural Economics副主编、亚洲经济学会前主席和国际能源观察集团首席专家等知名学者正面评价与引用,被法国知名经济学教授收入其研究生教材以及The soils of Egypt等3本论著引用。担任Agriculture编辑、Frontiers in Energy Research Guest Editor、中国软科学理事会理事、粤港澳大湾区绿色发展联盟副秘书长、广东省经济学会常务理事、国家自然科学基金项目评审专家、广东省农业厅入库专家、广东省科技厅入库专家、湖北省省科技厅入库专家,担任Nature Communications、Nature Food、经济研究、管理世界等40多种学术期刊同行评审专家。
2013年07月至今,yl6809永利官网 教授/博导
2024.01-今,大数据与数字经济中心 主任
2021.09-2022.07,北京师范大学环境学院 访问学者
2016.01-2017.01,密苏里大学经济系 访问学者
[1]Le Wen, Krishna Paudel*, You-hua Chen, Qinying He. 2024. The Power of Securing Property Rights: Evidence from China’s Land Titling Policy. Economic Development and Cultural Change. https://doi.org/10.1086/725453
[2]Hong-Xing Wen, Xiao-Qing Wu*, Ting Cui, Zhen-Ni Yang and You-hua Chen*. 2023. New insights into the link between pro-environmental attitudes and household food waste behaviours in China: Moderating effect of shopping distance. Waste Management & Research. 2023, 0(0). <a href='https://doi:10.1177/0734242X231219628' https://doi:10.1177/0734242X231219628
[3]Yi-Xiang Bai, Chan Wang*, Min Zeng, You-Hua Chen* et al. 2023. Does carbon trading mechanism improve the efficiency of green innovation? Evidence from China. Energy Strategy Reviews 49. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2023.101170
[4]You-hua Chen, Zhuang, Zhang, Ashok K. Mishra. 2023. A flexible and efficient hybrid agricultural subsidy design for promoting food security and safety. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-01874-w
[5]Yong-qi Chen, You-hua Chen*. 2023. Economic Growth, Income Inequality and Food Safety Risk. Foods 12, 3066. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12163066
[6]Zhuang Zhang, Yun Tian and You-hua Chen*. 2023. Can agricultural credit subsidies affect county-level carbon intensity in China?, Sustainable Production and Consumption 38: 80-89
[7]Zhuang Zhang*, You-hua Chen, Yun Tian. 2023. Effect of agricultural fiscal expenditures on agricultural carbon intensity in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 38: 80-89 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-25763-6
[8]You-hua Chen*, Pu-yan Nie, Chan Wang et al. 2022. Editorial: Sustainable Energy Systems with Policies in China. Frontiers in Energy Research 10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenrg.2022.943665
[9]Zhang zhuang, Chen You-hua*, Lin-hai Wu. 2021. Effects of Governmental Intervention on Foodborne Disease Events: Evidence from China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(24).
[10]Zhuang Zhang, You-hua Chen*, Wang, Chien-ming. 2021. Can CO2 Emission Reduction and Economic Growth Be Compatible? Evidence From China, Frontiers in Energy Research. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenrg.2021.693767
[11]Le Wen*, Krishna P. Padel, You-hua Chen, Qinying He. 2021. Urban segregation and consumption inequality: Does hukou conversion matter in China?, Review of Development Economics 25 (4): 2298-2322
[12]You-hua Chen, Pu-yan Nie, Chan Wang. 2021. Effects of carbon tax on environment under duopoly, Environment, Development and Sustainability 23 (9): 13490-13507
[13]You-hua Chen, Chan Wang, Pu-yan Nie, Zi-rui Chen. 2020. A clean innovation comparison between carbon tax and cap-and-trade system, Energy Strategy Reviews 29, 100483.
[14]You-hua Chen, Mei-Xia Chen, Ashok K. Mishra. 2020. Subsidies under uncertainty: Modeling of input- and output-oriented policies, Economic Modelling 85: 39-56 ESI
[15]You-hua Chen, Chan Wang, Pu-yan Nie. 2020. Emission regulation of conventional energy‑intensive industries, Environment, Development and Sustainability 22(4): 3723–3737.
[16]Chan Wang, You-hua Chen*, Pu-yan Nie, X. Henry Wang. 2019. Effects of celebrity endorsement on firms’ competition: from industrial organization perspective. Economic Research - Ekonomska Istrazivanja 32(1): 3224-3246.
[17]Jian Xu, Feng Liu, You-hua Chen*. 2019. R&D, Advertising and Firms’ Financial Performance in South Korea: Does Firm Size Matter. Sustainability 11. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11143764
[18]You-hua Chen, Pu-yan Nie, Chan Wang, Yan Meng. 2019. Effects of corporate social responsibility considering emission restrictions. Energy Strategy Reviews 24: 121-131.
[19]You-hua Chen, Sun-jun Huang, Ashok K. Mishra, X. Henry, Wang. 2018. Effects of input capacity constraints on food quality and regulation mechanism design for food safety management. Ecological Modelling 385: 89-95.
[20]Pu-yan Nie, Chan Wang, You-hua Chen, Yong-cong Yang. 2018. Effects of switching costs on innovative investment strategies. Technological and Economic Development of Economy 24 (3): 933-949.
[21]Pu-yan Nie, Chan Wang, You-hua Chen. 2018. Top runner program in China: A theoretical analysis for potential subsidies. Energy Strategy Reviews 21, 157–162
[22]Pu-yan Nie, Chan Wang, Zi-yue Chen, You-hua Chen. 2018. A theoretic analysis of key person insurance. Economic Modelling 71: 272-278. ESI
[23]You-hua Chen, Qinying He, Krishna P. Paudel. 2018. Quality Competition and Reputation of Restaurants: The Effects of Capacity Constraints. Economic Research - Ekonomska Istrazivanja 31(1):102-118.
[24]You-hua Chen, Pu-yan Nie, Yong-cong Yang. 2017. Energy management contract with subsidy. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 9(5). DOI: 10.1063/1.5004549.
[25]You-hua Chen, Pu-yan Nie, Yong-cong Yang. 2017. Effects of corporate social responsibility on food safety. Agricultural Economics – Czech 63 (12): 539–547.
[26]You-hua Chen, Xiao-wei Wen, Bo Wang, Pu-yan Nie. 2017. Agricultural pollution and regulation How to subsidize agriculture? Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 164: 258-264.
[27]Chan Wang, You-hua Chen*, Pu-yan Nie. Reimbursement and hospital competition in China. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 30(1): 1209-1223.
[28]You-hua Chen, Pu-yan Nie, Jin-bo Huang. 2017. Duopoly innovation with monopoly debater. Review of Business Management 19(63): 104-117.
[29]Pu-yan Nie, You-hua Chen*, Yong-cong Yang, X. 2016. Henry Wang. Subsidies in carbon finance for promoting renewable energy development. Journal of Cleaner Production 139: 677-684.
[30]Pu-yan Nie, You-hua Chen. 2016. Duopoly price discrimination with monopolization energy input. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 11(6): 526-533.
[31]Pu-yan Nie, Yong-cong Yang, You-hua Chen, Zhao-hui Wang. 2016. How to subsidize energy efficiency under duopoly efficiently. Applied Energy 175(8): 31-39. ESI
[32]You-hua Chen, Pu-yan Nie. 2016. Duopoly competition in food industry considering corporate social responsibility. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods 8(1): 33-40.
[33]You-hua Chen, Xiao-wei Wen, Ming-zhong Luo. 2016. Corporate social responsibility spillover and competition effects on the food industry. Australian Economic Papers 55(1): 1-13.
[34]You-hua Chen, Pu-yan Nie, X.henry Wang. 2015. Asymmetric duopoly competition with innovation spillover and input constraint. Journal of Business Economics and Management 16(6): 1124-1139.
[35]You-hua Chen, Pu-yan Nie and Xiao-Wei Wen. 2015. Analysis of innovation based on financial structure. Economic Research - Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2015, 28(1): 631-640.
[36]You-hua Chen, Jun-yi Wan, Chan Wang. Agricultural subsidy with capacity constraints and demand elasticity. Agricultural Economics- Czech 61(1): 39-49.
[37]Chan Wang, You-hua Chen*, Xiao-gang He. 2015. Quality regulation and competition in China’s milk industry. Custos E Agronegocio on Line 11(1): 128-141.
[38]You-hua Chen, Pu-yan Nie. 2014. Duopoly innovation under product externalities. Economic Research - Ekonomska Istrazivanja 27(1): 232-243.
[39]Pu-yan Nie, You-hua Chen*. 2014. A general equilibrium analysis of food industry considering the food quality. Agricultural Economics – Czech 60(7): 301-308.
[40]You-hua Chen, Xiao-wei Wen. 2013. Vertical cooperative advertising with substitute brands. Journal of Applied Mathematics.
[41]Pu-yan Nie, You-hua Chen. 2012. Duopoly competitions with capacity constrained input. Economic Modelling 29(5): 1715-1721.
[42]You-hua Chen, Pu-yan Nie, and X. henry Wang. 2013. On the Relationship between Competition and Innovation in a Duopoly with a Single Innovator. Economic Bullentin 33(4): 2648-2660.
[43]曾梦晴、张壮、陈有华*. 中国食源性疾病省际时空差异与成因研究,《美食研究》2023,40(4):28-36
[44]陈有华、唐程翔、王婵. 企业债务融资的竞争策略效应研究,《产经评论》,2022,(1):21-39
[45]陈有华、张壮. 城镇化与农业补贴绩效,《商业研究》,2021,(4):110-119.
[46]张壮、陈有华、侯学博. 农业补贴、劳动力转移与农户收入——以湖北省鄂西山区四县385户农户为例,《南方农村》,2021,37(3):10-17.
[47]陈有华、张壮. 非洲猪瘟疫情关注度对股票收益率影响研究——基于食品类上市公司的经验证据,武汉商学院学报,2021,35(1):45-52.
[48]陈有华、王婵. “四新”背景下农林经济管理卓越人才培养创新,西部学刊,2020年第119期。
[49]陈有华、张壮. 新冠肺炎疫情认知对就业预期的影响,yl6809永利官网学报(社会科学版),2020年第5期。
[50]陈有华、陈美霞、钱桂云. 容量约束、信息不对称与食品安全风险治理研究, 《中国食品安全治理评论》,2019, 6(1):51~72
[51]陈有华、聂普焱、彭璧玉. 债务约束下的企业广告与R&D投资研究,《中国管理科学》,2015年12月。(CSSCI收录)
[52]彭璧玉、陈有华. 产业组织演化对工作变动的影响:来自组织生态学的研究,《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》,2010年第3期,117-121页。(CSSCI收录)
[53]陈有华. 市场边缘性、价格波动与城乡收入差距或然性:基于工业品与农产品的比较,《改革》,2012年第7期。(CSSCI收录)该文已被《复印报刊资料.社会主义经济理论与实践》2012年第10期全文转载。
[54]陈有华. 企业财务结构与其产品市场行为互动影响研究,《暨南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2013年第3期。(CSSCI收录)
[55]陈有华、彭璧玉、聂普焱. 组织生态位高管团队构成特征对高管团队成员变更影响的实证研究,《产业组织评论》,2012年3月。
[56]陈有华. 刺激还是抑制:企业负债对广告投入影响的理论与实证研究,《产经评论》,2014年第5期。
[57]王婵、彭璧玉、陈有华. 基于密度依赖模型的广州制造业企业死亡风险研究,《华南师范大学学报(自科版)》,2014年第5期。
[58]王博、陈有华. 平均农业规模与农业产出效率:基于倒-U型假说的经验验证,南方农村,2016年第3期。
[1] 陈有华. 《食物经济学》,中国农业出版社,2021年6月,北京(2022年入选农业农村部“十四五”规划教材)。
[2]陈有华. 加工制造食品安全风险形成机理与治理机制:《食品安全风险治理的中国道理》第十一章,中国农业出版社,2021年12月,北京
[3]Pu-yan Nie, You-hua Chen, Chan Wang et al. eds. Sustainable Energy Systems with Policies in China. Frontiers in Energy Research, Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. July 2022
[4]You-hua Chen and Xiao-Wei Wen. Vertical Cooperative Advertising with Substitute Brands: Brief Overview. Chapter 6, Recent Studies in Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 1, 2020, Book Publisher International, London.
[2]陈有华.转变食品安全监管理念 提升食品安全风险治理效率,中国食品安全报,2021年10月23日,A2版。(学习强国转载)
[7]陈有华.食品质量安全监管中的“疏”与 “堵”,中国食品安全报,2018年7月5日,A2版。(学习强国转载)
[2]基于文理交融的经管类卓越人才培养改革研究,2018年度广东省经济学本科教育学术年会优秀成果一等奖,2018年12月[3]Agricultural subsidy with capacity constraints and demand elasticity,2017年广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖(论文类),2017年12月
[5]Duopoly competitions with capacity constrained input,2015年广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖(论文类),2015年12月
[1]2024.01-2027.12 广东省自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目,气候变化与粮食生产韧性,100万
[2]2023.01-2026.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,气候变化对粮食生产韧性的影响机制及其提升路径研究:以中国北方主产区为例,45万,批准号:72273045
[3]2020.10-2025.10 国家社会科学基金重大项目子课题,食品安全风险社会共治与跨界合作机制研究-食品安全风险治理的中国化理论成果、社会共治与跨界合作治理的内在逻辑,20万,批准号:20&ZD117,子课题负责人
[4]2019.10-2022.09 广东省高校珠江学者岗位计划项目,食物经济管理,30万,GDUPS2019.
[5]2015.01-2017.12 国家自然科学基金项目,基于容量约束影响的企业竞争策略研究,20万,批准号:71401057. 结题(优秀)
[6]2018.11-2019.12 中国工程院重大咨询研究项目,广东省现代农业发展战略研究子课题-供给侧结构性改革背景下广东口粮和重要农产品发展战略研究,35万,2018-GD-4-2,子课题负责人
[7]2021.01-2023.12 广东省自然科学基金,粤港澳大湾区食品安全治理的跨界合作机制研究,10万,批准号:2021A1515011960
[8]2019.01-2021.12 广东省哲学社科规划一般项目,农业绿色发展背景下的广东食品安全风险管理研究,6万,批准号:GD18CYJ01,结题(优秀)
[9]2015.06-2016.06 广东省软科学博士启动项目,食品安全与行业竞争:基于质量约束的理论与实证研究,10万,批准号:2014A070704008
[10]2014.01-2016.12 广东省哲学社科规划青年项目,容量约束对食品安全和食品行业竞争的影响研究,3万,批准号:GD13YLJ02
[11]2020.07-2022.07 基于“新农科”建设的农林经济管理专业人才培养模式探索与实践,广东省教育教学研究改革重点项目,2万
[12]2021.10-2023.09 教育部产学合作协同育人项目,农业院校经管类专业大数据分析课程实习实训基地建设