何勤英,女,yl6809永利官网教授,1978年6月生,2007年获美国俄亥俄州立大学 (The Ohio State University)统计学博士,现为yl6809永利官网教授、博士生导师。主要研究方向包括劳动经济学、应用计量经济学和统计学。自2007年参加工作以来,主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金项目1项,参与国家和省部级课题多项。近年来在国内外经济管理及统计类刊物发表论文数近50篇。担任《Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics》,《China Economic Review》,《China Agricultural Economic Review》,《Review of Development Economics》,《Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference》,《经济学(季刊)》,《经济评论》等多个杂志的匿名评审人;担任广东经济学会中青年委员会委员。工作经历:
2020.01—至今 yl6809永利官网大数据与数字经济中心教授、博士生导师
2015.01—2019.12 yl6809永利官网首聘教授、博士生导师
2017.10—2018.10 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学农业与应用经济系访问学者
2007.09—2014.06 西南财经大学经济与管理研究院副教授、博士生导师
2002.09—2007.06 美国俄亥俄州立大学统计系助教
2002.09—2007.06 美国俄亥俄州立大学统计系统计学博士
1999.09—2002.06 武汉大学经济与管理学院世界经济硕士
1995.09—1999.06 南开大学国际经济贸易系国际经济学士
担任多个杂志的匿名评审人:《Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics》,《China Economic Review》,《China Agricultural Economic Review》,《Review of Development Economics》,《经济评论》,《中国农村经济》,《教育与经济》等;担任国家自科和国家社科项目的通讯评审专家;担任广东经济学会中青年委员会委员。研究方向:
1.Gao, W., He, Q., Luo, L., Zhang W., and Wu Z. (2024). The effect of robot adoption on firm employment: evidence from China. The Singapore Economic Review, accepted.(学生第一、导师第二作者)SSCI
2.Ye, Y., He, Q., Li, Q., and An, L. (2024). The brother's penalty: boy preference and girls' health in rural China. Health Economics, 33(8): 1748-1771.(学生第一、导师第二作者)SSCI
3.Wen, L., Paudel, K. P., Chen, Y., and He, Q. (2024). The power of securing property rights: evidence from China's land titling policy. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 72(4): 1829-1861.SSCI
4.Tong, D., Yu, P., and He, Q. (2024). Convergence of multidimensional poverty in China: does good governance matter? Applied Economics, 56(51): 6453-6466.SSCI
5.Zeng, L., Wan, J. and He, Q. (2023). Member commitment in farmers’ cooperatives in China: The role of contractual and relational governance mechanisms. Plos one, 18(7): e0288925.SCI
6.Neupane, H., Paudel, K. P., and He, Q. (2023). Impact of cooperative membership on market performance of Nepal goat farmers. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 94: 805-830.SSCI
7.Wen, L., Paudel, K. P., and He, Q. (2023). Temporary migration and land renting behavior. Economic Analysis and Policy, 78: 1372-1391.SSCI
8.Fang, H., Chen, Q., Delgado, M. S., and He, Q. (2023). Peer correlations in income: Evidence from a Guanxi network in rural China. Economics Letters, 222, 110959.SSCI
9.Han, Y. L., Paudel, K. P., Wan, J., and He, Q. (2023). Five-year plan and agricultural productivity in China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 15(1): 214-237. SSCI
10.Cai, C. H., He, Q., and Alwang, J. (2023). An inverted ‘U-shaped’ pattern: the residence distance of adult children and the mental health of elderly in rural China. Applied Economics Letters, 30(16): 2237-2244. (学生第一,导师第二作者)SSCI
11.Feng, Q. D. and He, Q. (2022). Does parental migration increase upward intergenerational mobility? Evidence from rural China. Economic Modelling, 115, 105955. (通讯作者)SSCI
12.Neupane H., Paudel, K. P., Adhikari M., and He, Q. (2022). Impact of cooperative membership on production efficiency of smallholder goat farmers in Nepal. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 93(2): 337–356. (学生第一,导师通讯作者)SSCI
13.Qiu, T. W., Ma, X. L., Luo, B. L., Boris Choy, S. T., and He, Q. (2022). Land defragmentation in China: does rental transaction inside acquaintance networks matter? Journal of Applied Economics, 25(1): 259-278. (通讯作者)SSCI
14.Feng, Q. D., He, Q., and Loh, C. P. (2022). The effect of childhood left‑behind experience on individual’s income: evidence from China. Applied Economics, 54(45): 5273-5286. (学生第一,导师通讯作者)SSCI
15.Cai, C. H., He, Q., and Alwang, J. (2022). Money is time: geographical distance and intergenerational support to aging parents in rural China. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 35(1): 4340-4360. (学生第一,导师第二作者)SSCI
16.Feng, Q. D., Loh, C. P., Meng, F. C., Bu, T. and He, Q. (2022). The effect of a sibling on the first-born child’s health: evidence from two-child families in China. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 35(1): 676-691.SSCI
17.Qiu, T. W., Luo, B. L., Tang, L., and He, Q. (2022). Does land tenure security increase the marketization of land rentals between acquaintances? Applied Economics Letters, 29(9): 790-793. (通讯作者)SSCI
18.Wen, L., Paudel, K. P. and He, Q. (2022). Temporary migration and savings rates: evidence from China. European Journal of Development Research, 34: 2810–2849.SSCI
19.Mi, Y. S., Chen, X. Z., and He, Q. (2021). Evaluating the effect of China’s targeted poverty alleviation policy on credit default: a regression discontinuity approach. Applied Economics, 54(32): 3654-3667.SSCI
20.Qiu, T. W., Shi X. J., He, Q., and Luo, B. L. (2021). The paradox of developing agricultural mechanization services in China: Supporting or kicking out smallholder farmers? China Economic Review, 69(1), 101680.SSCI
21.Feng, Q. D. and He, Q. (2021). Do siblings reduce children’s dietary quality in China? The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 21(4): 1411-1419. (学生第一,导师通讯作者)SSCI
22.Wen, L., Paudel, K. P., Chen,Y. H. and He, Q. (2021). Urban segregation and consumption inequality: Does hukou conversion matter in China? Review of Development Economics, 25(4): 2298-2322. SSCI
23.Zou, X. Y., Qiu, T. W., Feng, Q. D., and He, Q. (2021). Does family involvement increase the subjective well-being of the self-employed? Evidence from China. Applied Economics, 53(52): 6043-6057. (学生第一,导师通讯作者)SSCI
24.Qiu, T. W., He, Q., Boris Choy, S. T., Li, Y. F., and Luo, B. L. (2021). The impact of land renting-in on farm productivity: evidence from maize production in China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 13(1): 78-95.SSCI
25.Qiu, T. W., He, Q., and Luo, B. L. (2021). Does land renting-out increase farmers’ subjective well-being? Evidence from rural China. Applied Economics, 53(18): 2080-2092.SSCI
26.Qiu, T. W., Luo, B. L., Boris Choy, S. T., Ma, X. L., and He, Q. (2020). The demonstration effect of transactions between strangers on those between acquaintances: evidence from land rentals in rural China. Applied Economics, 52(43): 4780-4793. (通讯作者)SSCI
27.Qiu, T. W., Luo, B. L., Boris Choy, S. T., Li, Y. F., and He, Q. (2020). Do land renting-in and its marketization increase labor input in agriculture? Evidence from rural China. Land Use Policy, 99, 104820. (通讯作者)SSCI
28.Qiu, T. W., Luo, B. L., and He, Q. (2020). Does land rents between acquaintances deviate from the reference point? Evidence from rural China. China & World Economy, 28(03): 29-50.SSCI
29.He, Q., Xu, L., and Men, Y. (2020). Composition effect matters: Decomposing the gender pay gap in Chinese university graduates. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33(1): 847-864.SSCI
30.Qiu, T. W., Luo, B. L., Li, S. P., and He, Q. (2020). Does the basic farmland preservation hinder land transfers in rural China? China Agricultural Economic Review, 12(01): 39-56. (通讯作者)SSCI
31.Qiu, T. W., Boris Choy S. T., Li, S. P., He, Q., and Luo, B. L. (2020). Does land renting-in reduce grain production? Evidence from rural China. Land Use Policy, 90, 104311.SSCI
32.Liu, H. T., and He, Q. (2019). The effect of basic public service on urban-rural income inequality: a sys-GMM approach. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 32(1): 3205-3223. (学生第一、导师通讯作者)SSCI
33.Wen, X. W., Sun, S. L., Li, L., He, Q., and Tsai, F. S. (2019). Avian influenza- factors affecting consumers’ purchase intentions toward poultry products. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(21): 4139.SSCI
34.Wen, X. W., Li, L., Sun, S. L., He, Q., and Tsai, F. S. (2019). The contribution of chicken products’ export to economic growth: Evidence from China, the United States, and Brazil. Sustainability, 11(19): 5253.SSCI
35.Fu, S., He, Q., Zhang, S. G., and Liu, Y. F. (2019). Robust outcome weighted learning for optimal individualized treatment rules. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 29(4): 606-624.SCI
36.He, Q., Li, X., and Wang, R. (2018). Childhood obesity in China: Does grandparents’ coresidence matter? Economics & Human Biology, 29: 56-63.SSCI
37.Chen,Y. H., He, Q., and Paudel, K. P. (2018). Quality competition and reputation of restaurants: the effects of capacity constraints. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 31(1): 102-118. (通讯作者)SSCI
38.Nagaraja, H. N., and He, Q. (2015). Fisher information in censored samples from Marshall-Olkin bivariate exponential distributions. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 44(19): 4172-4184.SCI
39.Du, Z., Li, R., He, Q., and Zhang, L. (2014). Decomposing the rich dad effect on income inequality using instrumental variable quantile regression. China Economic Review, 31: 379-391. (通讯作者)SSCI
40.He, Q., Nagaraja, H. N., and Wu, C. (2013). Efficient simulation of complete and censored samples from common bivariate exponential distributions. Computational Statistics, 28(6): 2479-2494. SCI
41.He, Q., Nagaraja, H. N. (2012). Fisher information in type II censored samples from downton’s bivariate exponential distributions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142(7): 1888-1898. SCI, EI
42.He, Q., Nagaraja, H. N. (2011). Correlation estimation in the Downton’s bivariate exponential distribution using incomplete samples. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81(5): 531-546.SCI
43.Liu, Y., Wu, Y., and He, Q. (2010). Utility-based weighted multicategory robust support vector machines. Statistics and Its Interface, 3(4): 465-476.SCI
44.He, Q., Nagaraja, H. N. (2009). Distribution of concomitants of order statistics and their order statistics. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139(8): 2643-2655.SCI
45.He, Q., Nagaraja, H. N. (2009). Correlation estimation using concomitants of order statistics from bivariate normal samples. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 38(12): 2003-2015.SCI
50.冯群娣,何勤英,李强。母亲受教育水平对儿童健康的影响及其路径,《南方人口》,2020,35(03): 46-59.(学生第一、导师通讯作者)CSSCI
51.仇童伟,罗必良,何勤英。农地产权稳定与农地流转市场转型——基于中国家庭金融调查数据的证据,《中南财经政法大学学报》,2020,(02): 133-145+160.CSSCI
52.仇童伟,罗必良,何勤英。农地流转市场转型:理论与证据——基于对农地流转对象与农地租金关系的分析,《中国农村观察》,2019,(04): 128-144.CSSCI
54.梁耀明,王长明,何勤英。同伴影响视域下大学生入党机制探究,《学校党建与思想教育》,2018,(24): 79-80. (学生第一、导师通讯作者)CSSCI
55.谭莹,张俊艳,何勤英。中国生猪生产布局演进历程及区域优化研究,《黑龙江畜牧兽医》,2018,(6): 6-9.(通讯作者)北大核心
56.李任玉,杜在超,龚强,何勤英。经济增长,结构优化与中国代际收入流动,《经济学(季刊)》,2018,17 (3): 995-1012.CSSCI
57.梁耀明,何勤英。大学生学业表现性别差异研究,《中国成人教育》,2017,(6): 55-59.(通讯作者)北大核心
58.何勤英,冯群娣,呙玉红。中国12-18岁青少年膳食知识水平与超重肥胖关系,《中国公共卫生》,2017,(9): 1378-1381.北大核心
59.何勤英,李琴,李任玉。代际收入流动性与子辈和父辈间收入地位差异——基于收入差异的视角,《公共管理学报》,2017,(2): 122-131.CSSCI
60.何勤英,于文超,秦晓丽。金字塔层级、政府放权与国有企业代理成本,《当代财经》,2017,(8): 69-78.CSSCI
61.梁耀明,何勤英。大学生学业成绩的宿舍同伴效应分析,《教育与经济》,2017,33(4): 83-88.(通讯作者)CSSCI
62.谭莹,周建军,何勤英。基于区域层面猪肉价格波动的棘轮效应分析,《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》,2017,(5): 20-27.(通讯作者)CSSCI
63.谭莹,周建军,何勤英。我国猪肉价格波动的省际空间传导研究,《价格理论与实践》,2017,(5): 65-68.(通讯作者)CSSCI
64.李尚蒲,罗必良,何勤英。土地市场化是否推动城投债发行?《经济评论》,2017,(4): 106-117.(通讯作者)CSSCI
65.呙玉红,何勤英,瞿婷婷。生育决策影响女性职工的养老保险收益吗?《金融经济学研究》,2016,31(6): 94-104.(通讯作者)CSSCI
66.李任玉,杜在超,何勤英,龚强。富爸爸、穷爸爸和子代收入差距,《经济学(季刊)》,2015,(1): 231-258. CSSCI
67.于文超,何勤英,郑涛。对称涨跌停限制的非对称性效果研究——来自上证A股市场的证据,《数理统计与管理》,2014,(5): 942-950.(学生第一、导师第二作者)CSSCI
68.于文超,何勤英。政治联系、环境政策实施与企业生产效率,《中南财经政法大学学报》,2014,(2): 143-149.(学生第一、导师第二作者)CSSCI
69.秦芳,吴昱,何勤英,黄伟。涨跌幅限制、价格和流动性——基于A+H股日交易数据的研究,《投资研究》,2014,(4): 120-136. CSSCI
70.代谦,占超群,何勤英。全球化中的中国垂直专业化再分解:集约边际与扩展边际,《国际贸易问题》,2014,(3): 3-12. CSSCI
71.于文超,何勤英。投资者保护、政治联系与资本配置效率,《金融研究》,2013,(5): 152-166.(学生第一、导师第二作者)CSSCI
72.于文超,何勤英。辖区经济增长绩效与环境污染事故:基于官员政绩诉求的视角,《世界经济文汇》,2013,(2): 20-35.(学生第一、导师第二作者)CSSCI
73.门垚,何勤英。中国大学毕业生劳动力市场中的同群效应,《人口学刊》,2013,35(1): 87-96.CSSCI
74.唐晓彬,何勤英,刘金全,郑涛。中美股票价格波动机制转换特征与拐点识别的对比分析,《预测》,2012,31(6): 40-43.CSSCI
75.于文超,何勤英。政治联系、企业非生产性支出与生产效率——来自中国民营上市公司的证据,《投资研究》,2012,(8): 82-95.(学生第一、导师第二作者)CSSCI
76.于文超,李任玉,何勤英。国企高管参政议政:关系还是激励?——基于国有上市公司过度投资的研究,《经济评论》,2012,(6): 65-73.(学生第一、导师第二作者)CSSCI
77.刘冰,李强,何勤英。劳动关系视角下的就业流动意向研究,《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》,2012,(5): 84-92.CSSCI
78.何勤英,黄枫。契合理论与实际的计量经济学——评Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data,《经济评论》,2008,(03): 156-157.CSSCI
3.教育部人文社科研究一般项目:征地对中国农村老年人健康状况的影响及其机制研究(20YJA790037), 2020.03-2022.12
2.2016、2018年China Agricultural Economic Review年会
5.2019年法国波尔多大学与南京农业大学举办的Nutrition Transition and health economics in developing countries